English announcement follows below.
樋口裕康 絵の展覧会「村まであと何歩?」
時間14:00~19:00 /入場料:500円
12月10日【火】19:00 (受付開始18:45) 田中泯 ダンス※アフタートーク 田中泯+樋口裕康
12月11日【水】19:00 (受付開始18:45)
松岡正剛+樋口裕康 トーク
12月13日【金】19:00 (受付開始18:45)
石原淋 ダンス
12月15日【日】17:00 (受付開始16:45)
中村達也 ドラム

メール: alternative.space.planb.1981@gmail.com
会場:plan-B地図 http://i10x.com/planb/access
「建築家」大きらい、「建築」大好き/ 超高層、巨大建築、はめころし窓、A.C、ユニフォーム大きらい/ バラック大好き 完全なる自己矛盾/ 「男はつらいよ」全48巻、大好き/ 砂漠、宇宙、深海、海、人体、恐竜、微生物大好き/ 田中泯と石原淋のダンス大好き/ 現場大好き。基礎、柱の立ち上がる時(象設計集団の建物には柱がやたら沢山ある)/ 日本、アジアの旅及調査(少数の人々、過疎の村)大好き/ 場所から空間が生まれる。発見的方法、潜在資源の発掘。
田中泯 (たなかみん/ダンサー)
74年独自の活動を開始。「ハイパーダンス」と称した新たなスタイルを発展。78年ルーブル美術館において海外デビュー。80年代、旧共産圏で前衛パフォーマンスを多数決行。国際的に高い評価を獲得。85年山村へ移り住み、農業を礎とした舞踊活動を現在も継続中。02年に映画初出演。以後映像界でも国内外で活動中。著書『僕はずっと裸だった』、共著『意身伝心』、『写真集「光合成」MIN by KEIICHI TAHARA』。
plan-B presets
Title: Hiroyasu Higuchi Exhibition of Pictures: How Many More Steps to the Village?
Monday, December 9 – Sunday, December 15, 2019
Time: 14:00 – 19:00
Admission: 500 yen
*During the exhibition, special events will unfold in the middle of his pictures.
Tue, Dec. 10, 2019 at 19:00 (Reception opens at 18:45)Min Tanaka(Dance)*After Talk by Min Tanaka with Hiroyasu Higuchi
⇧⇧⇧It is SOLDOUT!⇧⇧⇧ The reception is closed because the seats are full. We do not have waiting for the cancellation and any day ticket. We would appreciate it if you could agree.
Wed, Dec. 11, 2019 at 19:00 (Reception opens at 18:45)
Seigow Matsuoka with Hiroyasu Higuchi(Public Talk)
Sat, Dec. 14, 2019 at 18:00 (Reception opens at 17:45)
Rin Ishihara(Dance)
Sun, Dec. 15, 2019 at 17:00 (Reception opens at 16:45)
Tatsuya Nakamura(Drums)
Tickets (per event): 3000 yen w/ reservations, 4000 yen at door
※Prices include the admission fee to the exhibition
○On the days of the accompanying events, the exhibition closes one hour before the events begin.
○The reception for each event opens 15 minutes before the events begin.
○For our preparation for the events, we are unable to accommodate any visitors except designated open hours.
Via The Website Only: http://i10x.com/planb/contactus
※We will finish accepting reservations as soon as we get full.
<Contact and Inquiry>
Email: alternative.space.planb.1981@gmail.com
plan-B map: http://i10x.com/planb/access
Address: 4-26-20 B1F, Yayoi-cho, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164-0013
※Please note the entrance is located on Nakano-dori street
Phone: 03-6382-7380 (Available Only During the Exhibition’s Open Hours)
Hiroyasu Higuchi profile
1939: Born in Shizuoka City
1963: Graduated Waseda University
1965: Joined U Laboratory
and had a fateful encounter with his two masters, Takamasa Yoshisaka and Juichi Otake
1971: Founded Atelier Zo
(with Koichi Otake, Reiko Tomita, Tsutomu Shigemura, and Keiko Arimura)
1989 – 2001: Participated in Hakushu Art Camp
2017: Joined in founding Basho jikken-shitsu
2007 – 2019: Created “Patapata Emaki: Mura” (Flip-style picture scroll: Village)
2019: Exhibition Patapata Emaki: Mura (Flip-style picture scroll: Village) in Obihiro, Hokkaido
2019.12.6: Became a snotty-nosed kid (at age 80)
”You’re merely a snotty-nosed kid when in your eighties and nineties.” ―Hokusai
Selected Works
1974 Domo Arabeska and Domo Serakanto
1980 Shinsyukan Community Center in Miyashiro-cho, Saitama
1982 Kasahara Elementary School, Miyashiro-cho, Saitama
1981 Nago City Municipal Hall, Okinawa
1986 Yoga Promenade, Setagaya, Tokyo
1988 Tokyo Tama Gakuen, a facility for disabled people, Tama, Tokyo
1990 The Albert Kahn Garden, Paris, France
1993 Jomon Mawaki Hot Spring Spa, Noto, Ishikawa
1995 Hokkaido Hotel, Obihiro
1997 Yilan County Municipal Hall, Taiwan
1998 Takahashi Construction Company Building, Obihiro, Hokkaido
2004 Published a book of Atelier Zo, LOVE WITH LOCUS
The Architecture Committee of Japan Award First Prize
The City Planning Institute of Japan Award
The Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts, Rookie of the Year
<Hiroyasu Higuchi: Personal Preference>
Hates architects, loves architecture/ Hates high-rises, monumental architectures, fixed windows, air conditioners, uniforms/ Loves shacks. A complete self-contradiction/ Loves the 48-film series of Otoko wa tsuraiyo (It’s Tough Being a Man)/ Loves deserts, the universe, deep seas, oceans, human bodies, dinosaurs, and microorganisms/ Loves , with respect, dance by Min Tanaka and Rin Ishihara/ Loves the spot of creation, especially the moment the foundation and pillars rise up (Zo’s architectures have excessive number of pillars)/ Loves researches on and trips in Japan and Asia (small gropes of people and underpopulated villages)/ A space emerges from the place. Heuristic method and discovery of potential resources
Participating Speaker and Artists:
Min Tanaka (Dancer)
Began his original solo expression activities in 1974 and developed a new style called “hyper-dance” which emphasized psycho-physical unity of the body. Having made his international debut at the Louvre in 1978, he performed his avant-garde dance in many of the former-communist countries through out the 1980’s and gained international recognition. In 1985, He moved to and still lives in a village in the mountainside, in search for deeper physicality in his daily life based on farming. Since his first film appearance in 2002, he has actively performed in the field of cinema nationally and internationally. He authored Bokuwa zotto hadaka datta (My Bare Body) and co-authored Ishin Denshin (Conscious Body, Contagious Mind). Photo books include Photosynthesis MIN by Keiichi TAHARA.
Seigow Matsuoka (Director, the Editorial Engineering Laboratory)
Applying research findings from diverse fields such as Japanese culture, art, life science, and system engineering to information culture technology, he established the concept of editorial engineering. Also as one of the most prominent researchers of Japanese culture, he advocates the concept, “Japan as a methodology.” His selected works include Runateikkusu (Lunatics), Furagyairu (Fragile), Yugaku (Play-ology), Nihon toiu houhou (Japan as a Methodology) , Nihon-ryu (Japan-style), Modoki (A State of Mimicry), among many. In 2000, Matsuoka began a series of book review on his website, A thousand nights, a thousand books, and its paperback edition has been published since 2018.
Rin Ishihara (dancer)
Born in Kagoshima, Japan. Debut with Hamlet –The Pale Cast of Thought, a music image drama produced by Japan’s national TV broadcasting NHK in 1994. After co-appearing with dancer Min Tanaka in the production, she began her dance training under him. Since 1996, she has performed in a number of dance performances directed by Tanaka as a member of his dance troupe. She endeavored to perform her solo works in 2006. Ever since, her solo series has continued to date, including The Showa Era—What’s the Weight of Its Body?, Dance Milieux [non-continuity], Seeking in the Wilderness, In Silence, Dance, Inside, The Blank Winds, performing multiple times in every title.
Tatsuya Nakamura (drums)
Born in Toyama. Joined the Blanket Jet City in 1990 and played as the drummer till it dissolved in 2000. Began his first solo drum performance in 2014 in Sakuraba, located in Kofu, Yamanashi. Exploring ways to dismantle drums and music, he has longed to become a starting point of the origin of music going back to ancient times.